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StreamScan in the News: Huawei Mobile Data Keys in use at Revenu Quebec


StreamScan in the News: Huawei Mobile Data Keys in use at Revenu Quebec

StreamScan CEO Karim Ganame was quoted this week in a Journal de Quebec article looking into the risks associated with the use of Huawei mobile data k
CDS 3 for 3 in CENGN Tests


CDS 3 for 3 in CENGN Tests

The results are back. And StreamScan’s Cyberthreat Detection System (CDS) passed with flying colours. Starting in 2019, StreamScan partnered with Cana
Anatomy of a Ransomware Attack


Anatomy of a Ransomware Attack

Forewarned is forearmed. Understanding how hackers prepare and deploy a ransomware attack can give us valuable insight. In this post, we’re going to b
Top 5 Ways Hackers Get Into Your Network


Top 5 Ways Hackers Get Into Your Network

How are hackers getting into our networks? That’s a question we get every day.As part of our Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service, StreamScan
Webinaire | Stratégie 20/80


Webinaire | Stratégie 20/80

La meilleure façon de s’adapter aux nouvelles cybermenaces est de déterminer une stratégie en cybersécurité qui vise à régler les failles de sécurité
Managing Ransomware Attacks Effectively


Managing Ransomware Attacks Effectively

In recent years, we have witnessed an explosion of ransomware incidents. These incidents have severe impacts on organizations, such as financial losse
Webinaire : La gestion d'incidents de type ransomware


Webinaire : La gestion d'incidents de type ransomware

Soyez des nôtres le vendredi 9 avril prochain pour un webinaire gratuit où l'on démystifie une des plus grandes menaces informatiques actuelles : le r
Are Canadian Manufacturers Cyber Secure?


Are Canadian Manufacturers Cyber Secure?

As you may have guessed, the answer, in broad terms, is no. It’s not that Canada’s manufacturers are doing nothing. But given the current cyber risk l
Can You Be Industry 4.0 Without Cybersecurity?


Can You Be Industry 4.0 Without Cybersecurity?

Let’s start with the conclusion. Even if you don’t read this whole post there is one thing you should take away from this: If you are in the process o