Why Are Cyber Criminals Targeting Canadian Businesses?

“Hackers abroad target the Canadian government..."

"Canada among targets of an alleged Chinese hacking campaign..."

"Russian hackers target Canadian COVID vaccine research..."

"Russian hackers target Canadian COVID vaccine research..."

The headlines don’t lie. Canadian organizations are regularly targeted by hackers from around the world. And it’s no accident. Hackers are experts and when they actually go to the effort of targeting a specific organization, they choose their victims strategically and thoughtfully.

Oh Canada Our Home and Targeted Land

Hackers and cybercriminal organizations target anyone with sensitive information that can be sold on the darknet or held hostage for a reward. The goal is always to obtain the maximum financial benefit. That means organizations in countries with financial wealth and a valuable currency become primary targets for hackers. And, as you may have guessed, Canada is one of those countries!

Who is Standing on Guard for Thee?

In addition to the high reward of hacking Canadian targets, the true north strong and free currently has a serious shortage of qualified cybersecurity personnel, leaving many organizations vulnerable to attack. According to a study by Deloitte, since 2016 there is a shortfall of more than 8,000 cybersecurity positions needing to be filled in the country.

Double Whammy!

So when you break it down, it’s clear that in addition to being a highly attractive target for hackers in terms of money and ability to pay ransom, the lack of experts means that the battle against cybercrime is far from over in Canada.

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