StreamScan is a Proud Five-Star Partner on Clutch

StreamScan is a Proud Five-Star Partner on Clutch

Cybersecurity is a must! Millions of dollars can be lost when everything goes wrong, that’s why you need the best and most advanced cybersecurity services for your business. After all, proactivity is better than finding solutions.

StreamScan, offers state-of-the-art cybersecurity services to help small and medium-sized businesses rest at ease. Based in the heart of Montreal, Canada, we’re a tight-knit team of experts dedicated to providing streamlined, effective, and transparent cybersecurity solutions.

We cannot emphasize enough how much you need to focus on protecting your networks. Did you know that one in four Canadian businesses will fall victim to a cyberattack? Stay safe and avoid the disruptions and cost of getting hacked!

There re a ton of service providers out there, and the question that stands now is, why choose StreamScan? For starters, we’ve been in the business since 2011, and our clients love working with us. In fact, they trust our services so much that they helped us get started on Clutch!

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Clutch is a B2B ratings and reviews platform based in Washington, DC. They evaluate technology service and solutions companies based on the quality of work, thought leadership, and client reviews. The platform is dedicated to helping browsers connect with the right service providers for their unique needs.

We’re excited to finally get started on Clutch!

Here is a summary of the feedback from our valued partner Artopex:

''StreamScan’s solution has helped quickly detect and reduce the efficacy of any threats. The team effortlessly and transparently communicates, providing regular advice, recommendations, and monthly reports. Above all, the team synergy has established a successful ongoing partnership.''

Thank you to our client partner Artopex for this partnership! We greatly appreciate working with you and we hope to continue this glorious collaboration for a long time to come!

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Our first review features a five-star rating for our ongoing partnership with Renaud-Bray.

Benoit Dallaire, the former IT director of the company wrote the review for our services. We started working with Renaud-Bray back in November 2018, and even through massive hurdles, our partnership remains strong.

Check out what they had to say about our team!

“StreamScan offers CDS, which is a unique piece of hardware. They can do specific tests depending on your needs, and their services are very personalized and customizable. Their price is very competitive, too. The fact that StreamScan's president visits on-site to present himself and talk to us shows their professionalism.” — Former IT Director, Renaud-Bray

Thank you so much to Renaud-Bray for the trust! We love working with you, and we look forward to unlocking more milestones together. Your incredible review helped us make a promising debut on Clutch!

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Wondering how the partnership is going? You read more about it on our Clutch profile! There, you can also see our portfolio and client industry focus.

We’re not just a five-star company! We’re also one of the leaders in the city! A B2B platform, The Manifest, recently ranked StreamScan as one of the top-performing IT services companies in Montreal!

Thank you to The Manifest, Clutch, and our clients! These pieces of news are just what we need to keep pushing forward! Cheers to more wonderful opportunities ahead.

We’re always ready to help! StreamScan wants to help protect your networks. Partner with us today! Drop us a message and let’s talk.

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